
Photo by Liam Keown

Phrases is a one-person dance, multimedia and spoken word performance. It is a minimal, reflective piece that continually shape-shifts between PowerPoint presentation, dance performance, stand-up set, private conversation, and storytelling recital. Broadly speaking, the piece is a study of overthinking and anxiety. This theme is explored through the various modes of the performance. Humour, gentle audience participation, moving choreographic explorations and projected text take the audience on a journey through the tunnels of thought, filled with the minutiae of life, that lonely and inhibited people can find themselves in.

“Phrases is fun, eccentric and clever” (Voice Magazine★★★★)

“a very accomplished dancer, and it”s easy to just get lost watching him improvise.” (Exuent Magazine)

“its precisely-timed relationship to the projection makes for brilliantly relatable comedy... Holt holds the room with confidence and ease... Unpretentious, honest and thought-provoking, Holt offers a wonderful study in overthinking.” (Broadway Baby ★★★★)

Running time: approx 40 minutes

Choreographed and Performed by Lewys Holt, produced by Daniel Nicholas, Writing consultancy: Olivia Winteringham, Lighting design: Barnaby Booth, Dramaturgy: Tiia Ojala, Inari Hulkkonen, Stephanie McMann, Charles Linehan, Eleanor Sikorski, Practical researchers: Seraina Dejaco, Louisa Robey, Liza Mortimer, Danni Spooner, Ian Dolan Tiia Ojala, Inari Hulkkonen, Eleanor Sikorski, Jack Britton, Paloma Styles 

Footage of full show available on request

Available for touring now

Photos by Matt Cawrey


Development of Phrases was supported by De Montfort University and the following